Der Prä-Astronautiker Giorgio Tsoukalos erläutert seine Erkenntnisse über massive Steinstrukturen und Monolithen. Er will herausfinden, was die Menschen in der Antike dazu veranlasst hat, riesige Steine zu bewegen, die in manchen Fällen Tausende von Kilos wogen, um überall auf der Welt ähnliche Steinmonumente zu errichten. Die Menschen haben diese Leistungen ohne moderne Werkzeuge oder Technologie vollbracht.
Zum Serienprofil
Robert Clotworthy
Robert Clotworthy, Michael Dennin, David Childress, Philip Coppens, Alan Butler, Semir Sam Osmanagich, Hugh Newman, M.J. Evans, Kathleen McGowan, Tok Thompson, Giorgio A. Tsoukalos
Michael Dennin
Robert Clotworthy, Michael Dennin, David Childress, Philip Coppens, Alan Butler, Semir Sam Osmanagich, Hugh Newman, M.J. Evans, Kathleen McGowan, Tok Thompson, Giorgio A. Tsoukalos
Self - Physicist, Univ. of California, Irvine
David Childress
Robert Clotworthy, Michael Dennin, David Childress, Philip Coppens, Alan Butler, Semir Sam Osmanagich, Hugh Newman, M.J. Evans, Kathleen McGowan, Tok Thompson, Giorgio A. Tsoukalos
Self - Author, Technology of the Gods
Philip Coppens
Robert Clotworthy, Michael Dennin, David Childress, Philip Coppens, Alan Butler, Semir Sam Osmanagich, Hugh Newman, M.J. Evans, Kathleen McGowan, Tok Thompson, Giorgio A. Tsoukalos
Self - Author, The Lost Civilization Enigma
Robert Clotworthy, Michael Dennin, David Childress, Philip Coppens, Alan Butler, Semir Sam Osmanagich, Hugh Newman, M.J. Evans, Kathleen McGowan, Tok Thompson, Giorgio A. Tsoukalos
Self - Author, How to Read Prehistoric Monuments
Semir Sam Osmanagich
Robert Clotworthy, Michael Dennin, David Childress, Philip Coppens, Alan Butler, Semir Sam Osmanagich, Hugh Newman, M.J. Evans, Kathleen McGowan, Tok Thompson, Giorgio A. Tsoukalos
Self - Prof. of Anthropology, American University, Bosnia
Robert Clotworthy, Michael Dennin, David Childress, Philip Coppens, Alan Butler, Semir Sam Osmanagich, Hugh Newman, M.J. Evans, Kathleen McGowan, Tok Thompson, Giorgio A. Tsoukalos
Self - Author, Earth Grids
Robert Clotworthy, Michael Dennin, David Childress, Philip Coppens, Alan Butler, Semir Sam Osmanagich, Hugh Newman, M.J. Evans, Kathleen McGowan, Tok Thompson, Giorgio A. Tsoukalos
Self - Landscape Geographer
Kathleen McGowan
Robert Clotworthy, Michael Dennin, David Childress, Philip Coppens, Alan Butler, Semir Sam Osmanagich, Hugh Newman, M.J. Evans, Kathleen McGowan, Tok Thompson, Giorgio A. Tsoukalos
Self - Author, The Source of Miracles
Tok Thompson
Robert Clotworthy, Michael Dennin, David Childress, Philip Coppens, Alan Butler, Semir Sam Osmanagich, Hugh Newman, M.J. Evans, Kathleen McGowan, Tok Thompson, Giorgio A. Tsoukalos
Self - Professor of Anthropology, USC
Giorgio A. Tsoukalos
Robert Clotworthy, Michael Dennin, David Childress, Philip Coppens, Alan Butler, Semir Sam Osmanagich, Hugh Newman, M.J. Evans, Kathleen McGowan, Tok Thompson, Giorgio A. Tsoukalos
Self - Publisher, Legendary Times Magazine
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Ancient Aliens - Unerklärliche Phänomene
(Staffel: 1 | Folge: 1) Serie USA |
18. March | 17:55 | History Channel |
Ancient Aliens - Unerklärliche Phänomene
(Staffel: 1 | Folge: 2) Serie USA |
18. March | 18:40 | History Channel |
Ancient Aliens - Unerklärliche Phänomene
(Staffel: 1 | Folge: 3) Serie USA |
18. March | 19:30 | History Channel |
Ancient Aliens - Unerklärliche Phänomene
(Staffel: 1 | Folge: 4) Serie USA |
19. March | 06:30 | History Channel |
Ancient Aliens - Unerklärliche Phänomene
(Staffel: 1 | Folge: 1) Serie USA |
Ancient Aliens - Unerklärliche Phänomene
Mittwoch 07:03-08:03
08:00 / History Channel
Ancient Aliens - Unerklärliche Phänomene
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45 Minuten • Staffel 1 • Folge 3
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