22:00 - 22:30
Nautical Channel

Flavours of Venice

Städteporträt • GB • 30 Minuten


      We have approached the end of the series, and in this final episode Andi will be experiencing the art of glass blowing on the island of Murano. Then, she will enjoy a vegan meal prepared on board that has been paired with coffee instead of wine. Let's dive into the flavours of Venice!

      Zum Serienprofil

      Weitere Folgen

      16. March22:00Nautical Channel Flavours of Venice (Staffel: 1 | Folge: 1) Serie GB
      23. March22:00Nautical Channel Flavours of Venice (Staffel: 1 | Folge: 2) Serie GB
      30. March22:00Nautical Channel Flavours of Venice (Staffel: 1 | Folge: 3) Serie GB


      Flavours of Venice
      Sonntag 10:03-10:03


        22:30 / Nautical Channel

        Nautical Adventure in a Landlock Country

        30 Minuten
        zur Folgesendung