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Profi-Biker Johnny Blaze sorgt sich um seinen schwerkranken Vater. Damit er nicht stirbt, geht der Stuntman auf einen folgenschweren Deal ein. Für Mephisto ist er als Ghost Rider unterwegs und tötet als Auftragskiller alle, die dem Teufel ein Dorn im Auge sind. Johnny versucht, sich fern der Heimat vor seinem bösen Auftraggeber zu verstecken.
Zum Serienprofil
Nicolas Cage
Nicolas Cage, Ciarán Hinds, Violante Placido, Idris Elba, Christopher Lambert, Johnny Whitworth, Fergus Riordan, Anthony Head, Spencer Wilding, Jacek Koman, Vincent Regan, Sabina Branduse, Ionut Cristian Lefter, Cristian Iacob, Adina Galupa, Tobias Öjerfalk, Jai Stefan, Will Ashcroft, Sorin Tofan, Alin Panc
Johnny Blaze / Ghost Rider
Ciarán Hinds
Nicolas Cage, Ciarán Hinds, Violante Placido, Idris Elba, Christopher Lambert, Johnny Whitworth, Fergus Riordan, Anthony Head, Spencer Wilding, Jacek Koman, Vincent Regan, Sabina Branduse, Ionut Cristian Lefter, Cristian Iacob, Adina Galupa, Tobias Öjerfalk, Jai Stefan, Will Ashcroft, Sorin Tofan, Alin Panc
Violante Placido
Nicolas Cage, Ciarán Hinds, Violante Placido, Idris Elba, Christopher Lambert, Johnny Whitworth, Fergus Riordan, Anthony Head, Spencer Wilding, Jacek Koman, Vincent Regan, Sabina Branduse, Ionut Cristian Lefter, Cristian Iacob, Adina Galupa, Tobias Öjerfalk, Jai Stefan, Will Ashcroft, Sorin Tofan, Alin Panc
Nicolas Cage, Ciarán Hinds, Violante Placido, Idris Elba, Christopher Lambert, Johnny Whitworth, Fergus Riordan, Anthony Head, Spencer Wilding, Jacek Koman, Vincent Regan, Sabina Branduse, Ionut Cristian Lefter, Cristian Iacob, Adina Galupa, Tobias Öjerfalk, Jai Stefan, Will Ashcroft, Sorin Tofan, Alin Panc
Christopher Lambert
Nicolas Cage, Ciarán Hinds, Violante Placido, Idris Elba, Christopher Lambert, Johnny Whitworth, Fergus Riordan, Anthony Head, Spencer Wilding, Jacek Koman, Vincent Regan, Sabina Branduse, Ionut Cristian Lefter, Cristian Iacob, Adina Galupa, Tobias Öjerfalk, Jai Stefan, Will Ashcroft, Sorin Tofan, Alin Panc
Johnny Whitworth
Nicolas Cage, Ciarán Hinds, Violante Placido, Idris Elba, Christopher Lambert, Johnny Whitworth, Fergus Riordan, Anthony Head, Spencer Wilding, Jacek Koman, Vincent Regan, Sabina Branduse, Ionut Cristian Lefter, Cristian Iacob, Adina Galupa, Tobias Öjerfalk, Jai Stefan, Will Ashcroft, Sorin Tofan, Alin Panc
Ray Carrigan / Blackout
Fergus Riordan
Nicolas Cage, Ciarán Hinds, Violante Placido, Idris Elba, Christopher Lambert, Johnny Whitworth, Fergus Riordan, Anthony Head, Spencer Wilding, Jacek Koman, Vincent Regan, Sabina Branduse, Ionut Cristian Lefter, Cristian Iacob, Adina Galupa, Tobias Öjerfalk, Jai Stefan, Will Ashcroft, Sorin Tofan, Alin Panc
Anthony Head
Nicolas Cage, Ciarán Hinds, Violante Placido, Idris Elba, Christopher Lambert, Johnny Whitworth, Fergus Riordan, Anthony Head, Spencer Wilding, Jacek Koman, Vincent Regan, Sabina Branduse, Ionut Cristian Lefter, Cristian Iacob, Adina Galupa, Tobias Öjerfalk, Jai Stefan, Will Ashcroft, Sorin Tofan, Alin Panc
Spencer Wilding
Nicolas Cage, Ciarán Hinds, Violante Placido, Idris Elba, Christopher Lambert, Johnny Whitworth, Fergus Riordan, Anthony Head, Spencer Wilding, Jacek Koman, Vincent Regan, Sabina Branduse, Ionut Cristian Lefter, Cristian Iacob, Adina Galupa, Tobias Öjerfalk, Jai Stefan, Will Ashcroft, Sorin Tofan, Alin Panc
Nicolas Cage, Ciarán Hinds, Violante Placido, Idris Elba, Christopher Lambert, Johnny Whitworth, Fergus Riordan, Anthony Head, Spencer Wilding, Jacek Koman, Vincent Regan, Sabina Branduse, Ionut Cristian Lefter, Cristian Iacob, Adina Galupa, Tobias Öjerfalk, Jai Stefan, Will Ashcroft, Sorin Tofan, Alin Panc
Vincent Regan
Nicolas Cage, Ciarán Hinds, Violante Placido, Idris Elba, Christopher Lambert, Johnny Whitworth, Fergus Riordan, Anthony Head, Spencer Wilding, Jacek Koman, Vincent Regan, Sabina Branduse, Ionut Cristian Lefter, Cristian Iacob, Adina Galupa, Tobias Öjerfalk, Jai Stefan, Will Ashcroft, Sorin Tofan, Alin Panc
Toma Nikasevic
Sabina Branduse
Nicolas Cage, Ciarán Hinds, Violante Placido, Idris Elba, Christopher Lambert, Johnny Whitworth, Fergus Riordan, Anthony Head, Spencer Wilding, Jacek Koman, Vincent Regan, Sabina Branduse, Ionut Cristian Lefter, Cristian Iacob, Adina Galupa, Tobias Öjerfalk, Jai Stefan, Will Ashcroft, Sorin Tofan, Alin Panc
Ionut Cristian Lefter
Nicolas Cage, Ciarán Hinds, Violante Placido, Idris Elba, Christopher Lambert, Johnny Whitworth, Fergus Riordan, Anthony Head, Spencer Wilding, Jacek Koman, Vincent Regan, Sabina Branduse, Ionut Cristian Lefter, Cristian Iacob, Adina Galupa, Tobias Öjerfalk, Jai Stefan, Will Ashcroft, Sorin Tofan, Alin Panc
junger Johnny Blaze
Cristian Iacob
Nicolas Cage, Ciarán Hinds, Violante Placido, Idris Elba, Christopher Lambert, Johnny Whitworth, Fergus Riordan, Anthony Head, Spencer Wilding, Jacek Koman, Vincent Regan, Sabina Branduse, Ionut Cristian Lefter, Cristian Iacob, Adina Galupa, Tobias Öjerfalk, Jai Stefan, Will Ashcroft, Sorin Tofan, Alin Panc
Adina Galupa
Nicolas Cage, Ciarán Hinds, Violante Placido, Idris Elba, Christopher Lambert, Johnny Whitworth, Fergus Riordan, Anthony Head, Spencer Wilding, Jacek Koman, Vincent Regan, Sabina Branduse, Ionut Cristian Lefter, Cristian Iacob, Adina Galupa, Tobias Öjerfalk, Jai Stefan, Will Ashcroft, Sorin Tofan, Alin Panc
Mädchen im Wald
Tobias Öjerfalk
Nicolas Cage, Ciarán Hinds, Violante Placido, Idris Elba, Christopher Lambert, Johnny Whitworth, Fergus Riordan, Anthony Head, Spencer Wilding, Jacek Koman, Vincent Regan, Sabina Branduse, Ionut Cristian Lefter, Cristian Iacob, Adina Galupa, Tobias Öjerfalk, Jai Stefan, Will Ashcroft, Sorin Tofan, Alin Panc
Kerl im Wald
Nicolas Cage, Ciarán Hinds, Violante Placido, Idris Elba, Christopher Lambert, Johnny Whitworth, Fergus Riordan, Anthony Head, Spencer Wilding, Jacek Koman, Vincent Regan, Sabina Branduse, Ionut Cristian Lefter, Cristian Iacob, Adina Galupa, Tobias Öjerfalk, Jai Stefan, Will Ashcroft, Sorin Tofan, Alin Panc
Will Ashcroft
Nicolas Cage, Ciarán Hinds, Violante Placido, Idris Elba, Christopher Lambert, Johnny Whitworth, Fergus Riordan, Anthony Head, Spencer Wilding, Jacek Koman, Vincent Regan, Sabina Branduse, Ionut Cristian Lefter, Cristian Iacob, Adina Galupa, Tobias Öjerfalk, Jai Stefan, Will Ashcroft, Sorin Tofan, Alin Panc
Mann im grauen Anzug
Nicolas Cage, Ciarán Hinds, Violante Placido, Idris Elba, Christopher Lambert, Johnny Whitworth, Fergus Riordan, Anthony Head, Spencer Wilding, Jacek Koman, Vincent Regan, Sabina Branduse, Ionut Cristian Lefter, Cristian Iacob, Adina Galupa, Tobias Öjerfalk, Jai Stefan, Will Ashcroft, Sorin Tofan, Alin Panc
Nicolas Cage, Ciarán Hinds, Violante Placido, Idris Elba, Christopher Lambert, Johnny Whitworth, Fergus Riordan, Anthony Head, Spencer Wilding, Jacek Koman, Vincent Regan, Sabina Branduse, Ionut Cristian Lefter, Cristian Iacob, Adina Galupa, Tobias Öjerfalk, Jai Stefan, Will Ashcroft, Sorin Tofan, Alin Panc
EMT Arbeiter
Weitere Folgen
27. March | 22:30 | VOX |
Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance
Spielfilm USA |
29. March | 00:10 | AXN Black |
Ghost Rider
Spielfilm AUS, USA |
30. March | 20:15 | AXN Black |
Ghost Rider
Spielfilm AUS, USA |
01. April | 22:45 | ATV |
Ghost Rider
Spielfilm AUS, USA |
05. April | 00:45 | ATV |
Ghost Rider
Spielfilm AUS, USA |
Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance
Donnerstag 10:03-12:03
00:30 / VOX
vox nachrichten
20 Minuten • Staffel 40 • Folge 61
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