00:00 - 00:30
Nautical Channel

Ocean Safari

Abenteuerdoku • GB, ZA • 30 Minuten


      Welcome to Simon's Town, the neighbour port down here in Cape Town. Today on Ocean Safari we are meeting up with Roger Hudson and Asenathi Jim. This is the perfect representation of what the rainbow nation stands for. We will hear the story of these two individuals from completely different backgrounds join together to form a union and represent South Africa at the London Olympic Games. Let's find out more now on this first episode of Ocean Safari: South Africa!

      Zum Serienprofil

      Weitere Folgen

      17. March21:00Nautical Channel Ocean Safari (Staffel: 1 | Folge: 1) Dokumentation GB, ZA
      17. March21:30Nautical Channel Ocean Safari (Staffel: 1 | Folge: 2) Dokumentation GB, ZA
      17. March04:00Nautical Channel Ocean Safari (Staffel: 1 | Folge: 1) Dokumentation GB, ZA
      17. March04:30Nautical Channel Ocean Safari (Staffel: 1 | Folge: 2) Dokumentation GB, ZA
      18. March11:00Nautical Channel Ocean Safari (Staffel: 1 | Folge: 1) Dokumentation GB, ZA


      Ocean Safari
      Sonntag 12:03-12:03


        00:30 / Nautical Channel

        Ocean Safari

        Episode 2
        30 Minuten • Staffel 1 • Folge 2
        zur Folgesendung