13:00 - 14:30
Kinowelt TV

Whatever Works - Liebe sich wer kann

Komödie • F, USA 2009 • 90 Minuten
    » Zyniker trifft Landei: That works! «


    Das von chronischem Pessimismus geprägte Weltbild des gescheiterten Physik-Professors Boris Yellnikoff wird noch schwerer erschüttert, als ihm vor seiner New Yorker Wohnung die junge Ausreißerin Melody in die Arme fällt. Mit naiver Selbstverständlichkeit quartiert sich die Schönheit aus Mississippi bei dem paranoiden Besserwisser ein und verliebt sich in ihn, was in eine ungleiche, aber erstaunlich erfüllte Ehe mündet. Doch die Ankunft von Melodys sittenstrengen Eltern stört die vermeintliche Idylle und führt zu einer chaotischen Kette von romantischen Verwicklungen, an deren Ende die Erkenntnis steht: Keine Konstellation ist zu absurd, wenn sie nur glücklich macht.


    • Regie:
      Woody Allen
    • Drehbuch:
      Woody Allen
    • Musik:
      Cliff Eidelman
    • Kamera:
      Harris Savides
    • Schnitt:
      Alisa Lepselter
    • Larry David
      Larry David, Evan Rachel Wood, Henry Cavill, Patricia Clarkson, Ed Begley jr., Conleth Hill, Olek Krupa, Christopher Evan Welch, Jessica Hecht, Carolyn McCormick, John Gallagher Jr., Nicole Patrick, Reece Shearsmith, Marcia DeBonis, Adam Brooks, Lyle Kanouse, Michael McKean, Samantha Bee, Willa Cuthrell-Tuttleman, Yolonda Ross, Clifford Lee Dickson
      Boris Yellnikoff
    • Evan Rachel Wood
      Larry David, Evan Rachel Wood, Henry Cavill, Patricia Clarkson, Ed Begley jr., Conleth Hill, Olek Krupa, Christopher Evan Welch, Jessica Hecht, Carolyn McCormick, John Gallagher Jr., Nicole Patrick, Reece Shearsmith, Marcia DeBonis, Adam Brooks, Lyle Kanouse, Michael McKean, Samantha Bee, Willa Cuthrell-Tuttleman, Yolonda Ross, Clifford Lee Dickson
      Melody St. Ann Celestine
    • Henry Cavill
      Larry David, Evan Rachel Wood, Henry Cavill, Patricia Clarkson, Ed Begley jr., Conleth Hill, Olek Krupa, Christopher Evan Welch, Jessica Hecht, Carolyn McCormick, John Gallagher Jr., Nicole Patrick, Reece Shearsmith, Marcia DeBonis, Adam Brooks, Lyle Kanouse, Michael McKean, Samantha Bee, Willa Cuthrell-Tuttleman, Yolonda Ross, Clifford Lee Dickson
      Randy Lee James
    • Patricia Clarkson
      Larry David, Evan Rachel Wood, Henry Cavill, Patricia Clarkson, Ed Begley jr., Conleth Hill, Olek Krupa, Christopher Evan Welch, Jessica Hecht, Carolyn McCormick, John Gallagher Jr., Nicole Patrick, Reece Shearsmith, Marcia DeBonis, Adam Brooks, Lyle Kanouse, Michael McKean, Samantha Bee, Willa Cuthrell-Tuttleman, Yolonda Ross, Clifford Lee Dickson
      Marietta Celestine
    • Ed Begley jr.
      Larry David, Evan Rachel Wood, Henry Cavill, Patricia Clarkson, Ed Begley jr., Conleth Hill, Olek Krupa, Christopher Evan Welch, Jessica Hecht, Carolyn McCormick, John Gallagher Jr., Nicole Patrick, Reece Shearsmith, Marcia DeBonis, Adam Brooks, Lyle Kanouse, Michael McKean, Samantha Bee, Willa Cuthrell-Tuttleman, Yolonda Ross, Clifford Lee Dickson
      John Celestine
    • Conleth Hill
      Larry David, Evan Rachel Wood, Henry Cavill, Patricia Clarkson, Ed Begley jr., Conleth Hill, Olek Krupa, Christopher Evan Welch, Jessica Hecht, Carolyn McCormick, John Gallagher Jr., Nicole Patrick, Reece Shearsmith, Marcia DeBonis, Adam Brooks, Lyle Kanouse, Michael McKean, Samantha Bee, Willa Cuthrell-Tuttleman, Yolonda Ross, Clifford Lee Dickson
      Joe Brockman
    • Olek Krupa
      Larry David, Evan Rachel Wood, Henry Cavill, Patricia Clarkson, Ed Begley jr., Conleth Hill, Olek Krupa, Christopher Evan Welch, Jessica Hecht, Carolyn McCormick, John Gallagher Jr., Nicole Patrick, Reece Shearsmith, Marcia DeBonis, Adam Brooks, Lyle Kanouse, Michael McKean, Samantha Bee, Willa Cuthrell-Tuttleman, Yolonda Ross, Clifford Lee Dickson
    • Christopher Evan Welch
      Larry David, Evan Rachel Wood, Henry Cavill, Patricia Clarkson, Ed Begley jr., Conleth Hill, Olek Krupa, Christopher Evan Welch, Jessica Hecht, Carolyn McCormick, John Gallagher Jr., Nicole Patrick, Reece Shearsmith, Marcia DeBonis, Adam Brooks, Lyle Kanouse, Michael McKean, Samantha Bee, Willa Cuthrell-Tuttleman, Yolonda Ross, Clifford Lee Dickson
      Howard Kaminsky
    • Jessica Hecht
      Larry David, Evan Rachel Wood, Henry Cavill, Patricia Clarkson, Ed Begley jr., Conleth Hill, Olek Krupa, Christopher Evan Welch, Jessica Hecht, Carolyn McCormick, John Gallagher Jr., Nicole Patrick, Reece Shearsmith, Marcia DeBonis, Adam Brooks, Lyle Kanouse, Michael McKean, Samantha Bee, Willa Cuthrell-Tuttleman, Yolonda Ross, Clifford Lee Dickson
    • Carolyn McCormick
      Larry David, Evan Rachel Wood, Henry Cavill, Patricia Clarkson, Ed Begley jr., Conleth Hill, Olek Krupa, Christopher Evan Welch, Jessica Hecht, Carolyn McCormick, John Gallagher Jr., Nicole Patrick, Reece Shearsmith, Marcia DeBonis, Adam Brooks, Lyle Kanouse, Michael McKean, Samantha Bee, Willa Cuthrell-Tuttleman, Yolonda Ross, Clifford Lee Dickson
      Jessica, Ex-Frau
    • John Gallagher Jr.
      Larry David, Evan Rachel Wood, Henry Cavill, Patricia Clarkson, Ed Begley jr., Conleth Hill, Olek Krupa, Christopher Evan Welch, Jessica Hecht, Carolyn McCormick, John Gallagher Jr., Nicole Patrick, Reece Shearsmith, Marcia DeBonis, Adam Brooks, Lyle Kanouse, Michael McKean, Samantha Bee, Willa Cuthrell-Tuttleman, Yolonda Ross, Clifford Lee Dickson
      Perry, Melodys Date
    • Nicole Patrick
      Larry David, Evan Rachel Wood, Henry Cavill, Patricia Clarkson, Ed Begley jr., Conleth Hill, Olek Krupa, Christopher Evan Welch, Jessica Hecht, Carolyn McCormick, John Gallagher Jr., Nicole Patrick, Reece Shearsmith, Marcia DeBonis, Adam Brooks, Lyle Kanouse, Michael McKean, Samantha Bee, Willa Cuthrell-Tuttleman, Yolonda Ross, Clifford Lee Dickson
      Perrys Freundin
    • Reece Shearsmith
      Larry David, Evan Rachel Wood, Henry Cavill, Patricia Clarkson, Ed Begley jr., Conleth Hill, Olek Krupa, Christopher Evan Welch, Jessica Hecht, Carolyn McCormick, John Gallagher Jr., Nicole Patrick, Reece Shearsmith, Marcia DeBonis, Adam Brooks, Lyle Kanouse, Michael McKean, Samantha Bee, Willa Cuthrell-Tuttleman, Yolonda Ross, Clifford Lee Dickson
    • Marcia DeBonis
      Larry David, Evan Rachel Wood, Henry Cavill, Patricia Clarkson, Ed Begley jr., Conleth Hill, Olek Krupa, Christopher Evan Welch, Jessica Hecht, Carolyn McCormick, John Gallagher Jr., Nicole Patrick, Reece Shearsmith, Marcia DeBonis, Adam Brooks, Lyle Kanouse, Michael McKean, Samantha Bee, Willa Cuthrell-Tuttleman, Yolonda Ross, Clifford Lee Dickson
      Frau im China-Restaurant
    • Adam Brooks
      Larry David, Evan Rachel Wood, Henry Cavill, Patricia Clarkson, Ed Begley jr., Conleth Hill, Olek Krupa, Christopher Evan Welch, Jessica Hecht, Carolyn McCormick, John Gallagher Jr., Nicole Patrick, Reece Shearsmith, Marcia DeBonis, Adam Brooks, Lyle Kanouse, Michael McKean, Samantha Bee, Willa Cuthrell-Tuttleman, Yolonda Ross, Clifford Lee Dickson
      Boris' Freund
    • Lyle Kanouse
      Larry David, Evan Rachel Wood, Henry Cavill, Patricia Clarkson, Ed Begley jr., Conleth Hill, Olek Krupa, Christopher Evan Welch, Jessica Hecht, Carolyn McCormick, John Gallagher Jr., Nicole Patrick, Reece Shearsmith, Marcia DeBonis, Adam Brooks, Lyle Kanouse, Michael McKean, Samantha Bee, Willa Cuthrell-Tuttleman, Yolonda Ross, Clifford Lee Dickson
      Boris' Freund
    • Michael McKean
      Larry David, Evan Rachel Wood, Henry Cavill, Patricia Clarkson, Ed Begley jr., Conleth Hill, Olek Krupa, Christopher Evan Welch, Jessica Hecht, Carolyn McCormick, John Gallagher Jr., Nicole Patrick, Reece Shearsmith, Marcia DeBonis, Adam Brooks, Lyle Kanouse, Michael McKean, Samantha Bee, Willa Cuthrell-Tuttleman, Yolonda Ross, Clifford Lee Dickson
      Boris' Freund
    • Samantha Bee
      Larry David, Evan Rachel Wood, Henry Cavill, Patricia Clarkson, Ed Begley jr., Conleth Hill, Olek Krupa, Christopher Evan Welch, Jessica Hecht, Carolyn McCormick, John Gallagher Jr., Nicole Patrick, Reece Shearsmith, Marcia DeBonis, Adam Brooks, Lyle Kanouse, Michael McKean, Samantha Bee, Willa Cuthrell-Tuttleman, Yolonda Ross, Clifford Lee Dickson
    • Willa Cuthrell-Tuttleman
      Larry David, Evan Rachel Wood, Henry Cavill, Patricia Clarkson, Ed Begley jr., Conleth Hill, Olek Krupa, Christopher Evan Welch, Jessica Hecht, Carolyn McCormick, John Gallagher Jr., Nicole Patrick, Reece Shearsmith, Marcia DeBonis, Adam Brooks, Lyle Kanouse, Michael McKean, Samantha Bee, Willa Cuthrell-Tuttleman, Yolonda Ross, Clifford Lee Dickson
    • Yolonda Ross
      Larry David, Evan Rachel Wood, Henry Cavill, Patricia Clarkson, Ed Begley jr., Conleth Hill, Olek Krupa, Christopher Evan Welch, Jessica Hecht, Carolyn McCormick, John Gallagher Jr., Nicole Patrick, Reece Shearsmith, Marcia DeBonis, Adam Brooks, Lyle Kanouse, Michael McKean, Samantha Bee, Willa Cuthrell-Tuttleman, Yolonda Ross, Clifford Lee Dickson
      Mutter des Jungen
    • Clifford Lee Dickson
      Larry David, Evan Rachel Wood, Henry Cavill, Patricia Clarkson, Ed Begley jr., Conleth Hill, Olek Krupa, Christopher Evan Welch, Jessica Hecht, Carolyn McCormick, John Gallagher Jr., Nicole Patrick, Reece Shearsmith, Marcia DeBonis, Adam Brooks, Lyle Kanouse, Michael McKean, Samantha Bee, Willa Cuthrell-Tuttleman, Yolonda Ross, Clifford Lee Dickson
      Junge auf der Straße


    Whatever Works - Liebe sich wer kann
    Donnerstag 01:03-02:03


    14:30 / Kinowelt TV

    Tom of Finland

    115 Minuten
    zur Folgesendung